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2022 Curtain call 

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As we approach the end of 2022, I thought it would be nice to do a short curtain call and to highlight the most precious/significant/touching/memorable moments for me this year in the photos above. 

I am very grateful for all the people I met this year, the activities I participated in, and the discoveries I have made about myself as I grew to be a year older (and hopefully wiser). 

I loved being an Honorary Reporter for KCC as it gave me the chance to meet outstanding artists and to broaden my own artistic perspective. 

I regret not being able to travel but I am keeping my fingers crossed that 2023 will the year I will "walk down the aisle" <insert laughter>

I have also come to understand the enormous importance of health as I had to fight the new variant of Covid (the much debated "long Covid"), an experience which really put many things in perspective for me. 

I am happy I published my second book of poems and then republished both of them with a brand new cover and format.

I am excited to continue my artistic journey in 2023 with new ways of expressing my deepest emotions that others can hopefully embrace as they are going through their own struggles and joys in life. 


I wish you all a healthy and happy holiday season and may 2023 bring you prosperity and accomplishments in your life. 

Merry Christmas!!!

Happy New Year!!!!

P.S. I will close with the last poem from my second book that sums up my sentiments. I am happy that I do not feel yearning, nor regret. :)

XXV.Another year, another yearning

As I close the book on the last chapter of this year

I stand corrected 

To fix mistakes I made in pages unturned

To learn the lessons taught by each chapter

To gain the strength to write the second tome.


As I close the book on the last chapter of this year

I stand hopeful

To bring about positive changes

To teach the lessons learned in all the chapters

To never give up hope for a better ending.


As I open the book on the first chapter of next year

I stare at a blank page waiting to be filled.

To dream or not to dream

To hope or not to hope

To dare or to falter.


As I open the book on the last chapter of next year

I want to not feel yearning nor regret

I want to not feel lonely nor repressed

I want to not look back

But look ahead. 

From the book "Mirrors of Self" by Corina Sferdenschi 

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