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39 - A poignant message about life

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Last week I finished watching a Netflix original series called “39” (서른 아홉). The reason I started watching this series was because my favourite actress, Son Ye-Jin, was in it. However, I have quickly come to fall in love with the two other main actresses in this series, Jeon Mi-Do and Kim Ji-Hyun.

I will do my best not to spoil the story because I really believe it is worth watching. The story is geared towards women in their 30s, especially mid to late 30s, so it was right up my alley. 

The synopsis of the show doesn’t really tell you what you are in for, and, trust me, it took me by surprise. I don’t think I cried this much at any other k-drama I had watched in the past. However, the entire show also made me stop and think of my life so far, what I have accomplished, where I am going and what I want to do; moreover, it made me realize the importance of chasing my dreams in order to live with no regrets. If I had doubts or fears prior to watching this, they are slowly dissipating. 

It is a powerful message about the unfairness of life but also the beauty of its unpredictability and the mystery of the future. Sometimes the toughest situations can create the most beautiful memories and most poignant lessons. 

In a nutshell, this is the story of 3 women who are all 39 years old. It examines life from a realistic point of view with less focus on overly romantic, typical k-drama-like elements. 

Yes, there is romance, but it is done in a very tactful and real-life manner, giving the viewer the impression that they can actually experience the same in their day to day life. I particularly liked that the story showcased the difficulties women experience when they choose to focus on their careers or when they choose to wait to fall in love, rather than marrying for the sake of meeting the societal-imposed age parameters when it comes to marriage. 

The main characters all tell the story beautifully by depicting their own struggles. The writers did a fantastic job incorporating various layers of each character’s complex story into the overall show without taking anything away. I felt like all stories were equally well told, and the lessons that came from this reflected the experiences that many of us have probably already lived. 

Is the ending sad? Definitely, and it fulfills its duty of being called a drama. However, there is hope presented at the end and beauty that can be seen by everyone, if one chooses to accept life as it comes and focuses on what they can, instead, influence. 

It is a lesson about friendship, heartbreak, love, and making the right choices even when it goes against societal norms or against your own norms.

The friendship touched me the most, personally, as I have never really experienced this deep bond with other women, especially one that would endure the test of time and beyond. As some of the actors explained, the show feels like a spring breeze, and, in hindsight, it does match the season very well. Although there are tears, there is also a sense of peacefulness and acceptance of the seasons ending and new ones beginning. 

I really enjoyed watching it, and if you don’t have a very emotional soul, I highly recommend you give it a shot. But, please have tissues ready…


Thank you for reading.


#39 #서른아홉 #kdrama #koreanculturalcentercanada #lifelessons #spring #hope #acceptance 

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