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We are slowly drifting away from summer and stepping into the wonderfully refreshing autumn weather. I personally love autumn with its fresh nature scent, beautiful trees shedding the past in preparation for a renewal in the coming spring, and the opportunity to celebrate the Harvest Moon in various forms. This year the event falls at the end of September which is exactly one week after the Autumn Solstice. It will be especially important since they are so close together with each of them bringing important changes in our lives. For me I always take this opportunity to weigh in where I am in comparison to previous seasons and to prepare for what is to come. 

Recently I joined many activities at the Sejong Institute and I have been lucky enough to meet people with similar interests to mine which has allowed me to discover new things. One of these activities is the Sagunja painting class (since it is a collaboration with KCC, it will get its own post later in Honorary Reporter section of the site), as well as the 노래방 club. I am so fortunate to be with those who are familiar with Gen 1, Gen 2 and some Gen 3 songs from both K-Pop and other types of Korean music. I have totally fallen in love with some of these songs. They are right up my alley :P

(see videos below)

The biggest event this Fall would have to be the full moon festival (Harvest Moon). In Asia this is one of the most important times of the year and it has different names in each country. In Korea it is called 추석 and this year I will attend a big festival organized by the Sejong Institute.

Since we are approaching the end of September, I do hope everyone experiences a peaceful and beautiful harvest season filled with love, light and happiness. 


Now let's enjoy some fun, old-school Korean songs. 

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