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"Life is short and love is worth it."

April has been a very charged month for many reasons as strong energies are all around us. 

This month’s main event has, of course, been the breathtaking total solar eclipse that took place on April 8th!

There is a photo of me taken by my dad when the eclipse reached totality. It was definitely something I will never forget.

There is another important astrological event taking place at the end of this month but I will leave that out of this post.


I was talking to a friend yesterday and many truths came out about her life and her struggles, despite her incredibly positive posts on social media. Hearing her touching story, really made me realize how fragile, yet beautiful life can be; also how unexpected it is and how we are so easily fooled by beautiful images that hold painful pasts. 

We talked about love, marriage, unfulfilled needs, feeling lonely and it was really heart warming to talk to someone who can actually understand how I feel, without being lowkey blamed for my current situation, as some of my past friends have done. 

It was nice to just be heard, be listened to and not be judged. It was nice to not receive unsolicited advice or courses of action that go against my own values, beliefs or what I clearly said I do not want to do. 

We talked about the importance of love in a relationship and a marriage, which I believe is pivotal in assuring the long-term success of such an undertaking and it was nice to have my feelings echoed. 

I also came across a very good article that brought back knowledge and memories from my psychology classes during my university years. 

I will copy/paste the link below:

9 signs your partner genuinely loves you, according to psychology. 


Some memorable quotes from this article:


"As Sternberg writes: "Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade."

“Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still.”

"Life is short and love is worth it." 

“Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person: It is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one ‘object’ of love.”

I feel sorry for those who cannot open their hearts to love. They are truly living a vapid life. 


As I was typing this article, I just read another heartbreaking news about one of my favourite authors, Sophie Kinsella, who is battling brain cancer. Her books have been such a source of comfort, joy and comedy during my younger years so I am shocked to hear of yet another woman in her prime being struck down like this. It’s been one crazy news after another in the last month. 


This serves as a daily reminder to just enjoy life, be happy, don’t be afraid to love, share your heart and follow your dreams. It may all sound a bit cliche but so many of us do not do this and live in continuous fear of what may happen. Trust is hard, especially after betrayals but it is worth putting yourself back out there because you can also meet wonderful people along the way. 


I didn’t want to make this month about love but it ended up being this way. Or rather it is more about the courage to start fresh, to open your heart and to show love to others. Most importantly, to enjoy what we have now because we really do not know what the future will bring. If we build a good foundation we have a better chance of facing future obstacles well prepared and with a winning chance. 


Let’s all be more open to receiving the many wonderful moments that life has in store for us. 



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